Reporting Endpoints ================================================= Note: Every endpoint listed in this document is managing JSON objects, so the path structure shown for nested keys is represented in a JSON-style access pattern. Scores Per Course ----------------- Return a list of all the learners who are enrolled in the course, and specifies their completions and scores for the course. HTTP Verb: ``GET`` Endpoint: ``/api/v1/reports/scores_per_course//?show_users=1`` Example Request (cURL):: curl -X GET -H "App-Token: [APP_TOKEN]" -H "Token: [TOKEN]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" Example Response:: [ { "user": { "_id": "51293841bd7a8494f0a3369f", "username": "tmp12", "name": "Test User 1", "email": "", }, "score": "", "score_date": "", "total_wall_time": -1, "passed": false }, { "user": { "_id": "51b1e833bd7a844089b652aa", "username": "tmp13", "name": "Test User 2", "email": "", }, "score": 82, "total_wall_time": -1, "score_date": "2016-02-01 21:20:27", "passed": true } ] Student Transcript ------------------ Return a list of all the courses a learner is enrolled in. HTTP Verb: ``GET`` Endpoint: ``/api/v1/reports/student_transcript//`` Example Request (cURL):: curl -X GET -H "App-Token: [APP_TOKEN]" -H "Token: [TOKEN]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" Example Response:: [ { "course": { "_id": "51d5d55dbd7a84058e7bf61c", "title": "SCO Tester" }, "started": true, "passed": true, "score": 82.0, "date_achieved": "2019-11-23 08:01:46" }, { "course": { "_id": "5145eb3abd7a844438bb931c", "title": "Diagnostic SCO" }, "started": false, "passed": false, "score": "", "date_achieved": "" } ]